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Subject War and Covid are the excuse for the coming financial collapse
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Original Message The banking system is a complete scam.

They just push a button and for some reason you owe them the loan + interest.

If you try the same scam you go to jail.

Only new loans can pay for old loans + interest.

Now debt is so high central banks need to print money to pay for older loans.

When they stop printing everything collapse.

If they continue printing there of course will be higher and higher inflation and then collapse.

We are trapped. But they can´t tell you because market would crash.

And when the economy crash and people lose their income they revolt. Unless they are very sick and depend on the government and Big Pharmas injections.

The antibodies from the injections outcompete the natural induced. As the virus mutates they are defenseless. People become dependent on Big Pharma.

The establishments "solution" is a great reset with massive surveillance, much less people and central bank digital currencies.

But it´s hard to sell unless they can blame someone else for the economic collapse.

Like Putin.
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