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Message Subject Quantum Entanglement within DNA
Poster Handle Anonymous Coward
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This area of research started as a new way to understand the vibrational modes within and between the nucleic acids of DNA.
Models of these vibrational modes started out as classical, binary models of the Van der Waals and Dipole-Dipole interactions. But, the emergence of quantum mechanical models in chemistry led some scientists to ponder on the possibility that these classical biological models could be pinned to a series of entanglements, which would explain the two biggest flaws of the classical systems: time and distance.
The first paper that really grabbed my attention on the idea of quantum entanglement in DNA was a paper published by Elisabeth Rieper from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2010. Titled “Quantum entanglement between the electron clouds of nucleic acids in DNA”. The team came to this conclusion after setting up quantum harmonic oscillators to act as the distribution mechanism for electrons in a dipole-dipole interaction between each of the nucleic acids. When they set this up, they saw that the time taken for the oscillators to operate and the way in which they operated was the same as what was observed naturally within DNA.
Thus, based on the energy within each nucleic acid, DNA could be a set of quantum entanglements that occur at room temperature.
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 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 76658155

Here is what they wont say; the helical DNA generate a field. Into the middle the, missing phase, god force, dark energy, Aether ect is induced. This charges the helical array with Aether energy, god force. Same with the Kundalini of the spine
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